iscc plus

Madrid, 9th March 2021 – COEXPAN has passed the ISCC PLUS audit at its plant in Spain and will obtain the same certification for its sites in Mexico and France in the coming weeks. This certification guarantees the use of circular and biobased materials (PS and PP) obtained from chemical recycling for their application in packaging solutions. This certification is important in that it acknowledges the Group’s commitment to sustainability, specifically in the area of circularity, recycling, and environmental management. Furthermore, it will enable COEXPAN to use recycled material (rPS and rPP) from mixed plastic and biobased material, in line with the mass balance model.

The ISCC PLUS sustainability certification system, which is applicable worldwide, evaluates all the sustainable raw materials, circular materials, biological materials, and renewable energy by means of an exhaustive audit to determine compliance with environmental sustainability requirements. In addition, the ISCC PLUS system provides solutions for implementing and certifying supply chains that are sustainable, deforestation-free and traceable in terms of raw materials and waste, bio-materials and recycled materials.

Along with this certification, COEXPAN also has the  MORE SEAL awarded by the EuPC and ANAIP in acknowledgment of company’s efforts to reach the targets of the European Plastics Strategy.  The seal, which is an initiative of the MORE (Monitoring Recyclates for Europe) platform, has been developed as a mark of approval for Spanish plastics converters that are working to incorporate recycled materials in their production processes and also as a means of highlighting current use of recycled material in the plastics industry.

The new ISCC PLUS certification adds to that recently obtained by EMSUR, the company’s sister division specialising in flexible packaging, which has obtained ISO 14001 certification at all of its plants, reaffirming the Group’s commitment to optimising its environmental management.

Committed to Sustainability

COEXPAN’S commitment to sustainability is based on promoting food preservation as well as on offering products that optimise the use of natural resources, favouring local communities and supporting the conservation of the environment.  The sustainability vision of the company focuses on the eco-design and circularity of its packaging, reaffirming its contribution to achieving a more sustainable packaging future. 

Its new innovation centre, INNOTECH, acts as a springboard for promoting the development of new products that are recyclable or biodegradable after use and that, whenever possible, include recycled material, guaranteeing optimal conditions of product quality and safety.

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