Coexpan and Emsur have completed the installation of Automated External Defibrillators at their plants in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Riotinto (Huelva) and Algemesi (Valencia) to create onsite AED locations that can save workers’ lives in the event of an emergency. AEDs are vital devices that are used to re-establish a normal heart rhythm if a person suffers a cardiac arrest while at work.

To ensure that this safety measure is correctly applied, Coexpan and Emsur have set up a training programme for employees to instruct them on how to use the defibrillators and essential medical equipment in order to be able to offer immediate assistance if someone is suffering a heart attack.

This important initiative is part of the company’s ONE SAFETY health and safety plan in which Coexpan and Emsur once again show their commitment to safety and to the well-being of their workers by implementing accident prevention measures.

One Safety is the global health and safety programme of Grupo Lantero that includes its four packaging divisions: CoexpanEmsurLecagraphics and Estellaprint. Launched in 2018, ONE SAFETY shows the company’s commitment to creating a safer work environment for people and  establishes a work programme aimed at evolving towards a culture of integrated safety.

More information on ONE SAFETY

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